sitescope documentation. Navigate to: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer: In the setting panel on the right, double-click Pop-up allow List, select the Enabled option, and click Show. sitescope documentation

Navigate to: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer: In the setting panel on the right, double-click Pop-up allow List, select the Enabled option, and click Showsitescope documentation  For Operations Management, BSM 9

Install Operations Agent from the SiteScope installer package, or download it from the Software Support (in the Search box, type "Operations Agent", select the relevant version, under Document Type, select Patches, and locate the installation file). temp and polcache. After export is complete, make a backup of the file (sitescope. Default Port Used. Begin your understanding of the key concepts and architecture of SiteScope. Consulting / Professional Services. Component Name:The number of SiteScope monitors that you can create is based on two factors: The monitoring capacity you have purchased for the specific license capacity types (OS Instance, URL, Transaction). Post Log File. 30 to 11. For example, a single SiteScope instance is a provider. zip) to the machine where you want to install SiteScope. Here the customer haven't had FIPS configured. 2022. Month representation of the product version indicates the release date of the product. 22 or above. 0 (PS 3. Using the Hardening Tool. Internet Explorer 10 is supported with the following limitation: There is no support for add-ons, like Java, when Internet Explorer 10 is used from the Start screen. Sitecore Documentation. The test results appear: Review the results for failure information, then click OK. Select User's Allowed Template Containers Dialog Box. Documentation Updates The title page of this document contains the following identifying information: † Software Version number, which indicates the software version. To verify the zip signature: Traverse to the directory where the SiteScope local client zip and SiteScope local client signature files are downloaded in the machine. Topology is not sent due to general errors or syntax problems in the scripts. zip to the machine where you want to install SiteScope. On Windows Platforms, you can do this by running the Configuration Tool and selecting the Sizing. Set the number of days of monitor data that are retained on the SiteScope server. On Windows platforms, you can also access SiteScope from the Start menu by clicking Start > All Programs > SiteScope > Open SiteScope. Get started. Select version. ini file. Some examples of software that can be monitored using the REST API monitor are Mongo DB, GlassFish AS, and Docker. For most of the services running on LINUX or UNIX there are service specific options. For Operations Management, BSM 9. Getting Started Guide. Upgrade . Monitor Permissions and Credentials. The default authentication strategy for logging on to SiteScope is the SiteScope internal authentication. For details on user permissions, see the section on user management preferences in the Using SiteScope Guide in the SiteScope Help. Extend UNIX Monitoring Using Operating System Adapters. SiteScope 2019. The data that SiteScope sends to Diagnostics appears in the Diagnostics External Monitors view group. Only a SiteScope administrator user, or a user with View/Edit certificates list permissions, can view, add, or make changes to the certificates keystore on the. 2. 1 Connector on port 8443 --> <!--. zip: Contains the installer files for Linux platform; Move the platform specific installer package SiteScope_2023. SiteScope provides additional monitoring that complements the native LoadRunner and Performance Center monitors. ini file. Reloads the keystore certificates from the <SiteScope root directory>javalib. tests done on a support environment: - plain SiteScope 11. zip) to the machine where you want to install SiteScope. If the SiteScope port is changed after installing SiteScope, the port is updated in the Open SiteScope link. 33. You can launch multiple instances of the SiteScope UI using a single Local Client instance. Operations Manager for Windows. Clean the local Java applet cache. dyn files are used to store data only from last monitor run, not to store historical data. The SiteScope server displayed as SiteScope-<SiteScope_server_ name>. SiteScope authentication is based on a concept of authentication strategies. Enables importing configuration data from an exported configuration data (. To install SiteScope 11. Use these procedures to upgrade from previous versions to current version. Extend UNIX Monitoring Using Operating System Adapters. Set Monitor Thresholds Using a Baseline. To view and use the tools in the Tools context in the left pane, you must be a SiteScope administrator user, or a user granted Use tools. SiteScope licensing controls the number of monitors that can be created simultaneously and the types of monitors that can be used. Search . Close all the browser’s windows. Since SiteScope licensing is based on the monitoring requirements it provides an efficient and flexible way to scale SiteScope to your environment. Select version. 2021. Purchasing a SiteScope license and registering your copy of SiteScope gives you important rights. Extract the compressed file into an appropriate directory. Integrate Application Life cycle Management. Enter the location from which you are installing SiteScope according to your operating system and architecture, followed by the executable name. Portail de support Contacter le support. Example - Using the opcnode command line tool:SiteScope UI. ×. For more details, see the relevant LoadRunner or Performance Center documentation. Micro Focus uses cookies to ensure you get the best possible online experience. 97_setup. Updated on May 18, 2019 | 14 minutes to read SiteScope has the following features: Agentless, Enterprise-Ready Architecture Enterprise-ready architecture. The monitors are individually configured to automatically test performance and availability of systems and services in the network environment. FIPS 140-2 compliancy for standalone SiteScope Servers (not integrated with OBM or APM) The release overview can be found in the SiteScope Release notes, from where you navigate through the SiteScope documentation as desired. Configure credentials for SiteScope objects. Verify that the SiteScope user is run as a member of Administrators group or a domain logon account. Example: React components shared on bit. SupportThis is what SiteScope documentation states: "SiteScope does not parse or interpret embedded scripts or other client-side program code such as JavaScript (ECMAscript). You control how often SiteScope checks a system with the Frequency setting for each monitor. SiteScope client is supported on all Microsoft Windows operating systems using the following: Internet Explorer 10 is supported with the following limitation: There is no support for add-ons, like Java, when Internet Explorer 10 is used from the Start screen. Support . You can select Add to Snapshot. SiteScope_2023. Videos . SiteScope monitors are grouped according to classes that indicates their availability and category that reflect their function. For more details, see the relevant LoadRunner or Performance Center documentation. Size SiteScope. Administer . If smart card authentication is configured, you cannot log in to SiteScope without a valid smart card. The test results appear in the Results pane. In this section. Types of SiteScope monitors you want to use. When you select to add a new monitor to a SiteScope agent, the list of available monitor types for that agent are displayed both alphabetically and divided by category in the product interface. Support . For details, see step 5. OpenText Community for Micro Focus products. Documentation. 4. Documentation. SiteScope Function. On macOS, launch a terminal and run the SiteScopeClient. 05_for_Windows_64bit. Support for the SiteScope integration with OBM via proxy configuration ; Dual account mode support for the SiteScope CyberArk integration; For more information on these enhancements, check out the SiteScope Release notes and navigate through the SiteScope documentation as appropriate. SupportHello - I see there is a REST API in SiteScope 11. It includes the steps and APIs required to: It enables users to define and use SiteScope monitors on a LoadRunner or Performance Center application. Navigate to the ovinstallparams. Release Notes. Purchasing a SiteScope license and registering your copy of SiteScope gives you important rights. Solution: To resolve this problem, follow these steps: Check if configured SiteScope version is 11. The Failover license requires the same number of points as used by the primary SiteScope server. Extract the compressed file into an appropriate directory. Prerequisites Before setting up the SiteScope monitor, ensure that SiteScope has been installed on a server. . Videos . Support for the SiteScope integration with OBM via proxy configuration ; Dual account mode support for the SiteScope CyberArk integration; For more information on. 1 Situation SiteScope - PowerShell examples for calling the SiteScope REST API Resolution Here are some examples for utilizing the SiteScope REST API using PowerShell, On macOS, launch a terminal and run the SiteScopeClient. Restart the SiteScope service. Select the Operations. Performance Center resource monitors, you can monitor the Windows, UNIX, SiteScope, and SNMP server on a machine during a test run, and determine why a bottleneck occurred on a particular machine. Sitecope has been started without any. Configure SiteScope to Monitor Remote UNIX Servers. Represents a template configuration for deploying SiteScope objects. The following topics are discussed in this. SiteScope integrates with Collect Once Store Once (COSO) to store its metrics data that is collected from SiteScope monitors. What are the capacity requirements of one SiteScope instance regarding number of the monitors? How doesSitescope - how to create java keystore file for sitescope from cert file and key file. Regards, Nico. For more information on improving the performance of SitSecope COSO Data Lake integration, see Troubleshooting General topic in the SiteScope documentation. To use SiteScope in Internet Explorer 10, you must switch. ini file. Enable SiteScope to Prefer IP Version 6 Addresses. Release notes . Configure credentials for SiteScope objects. There are some older api zip files going around for 10. Version: 2022. Use an adapter to feed netbotz data to BSM. Micro Focus is announcing the release of. SiteScope installation on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure Using HP SiteScope’s mobile access capabilities, you can access HP SiteScope from either an iPhone ®, using SiteScope’s free iPhone application, Android, or an iPad ®. URL Content monitor overview. Version: 2023. See How to create ovinstallparams. SiteScope version 11. How to Use SiteScope Tools for Configuring or Troubleshooting a Monitor. Click Next to continue. Default value: 10 minutesDocumentation. Extract the contents of the SiteScope-Client-2018. You can set a timeout value for the Script monitor for SiteScope running on Windows. Provider: A provider is a collector or a data source that enables you to monitor the health, availability, and performance of your infrastructure, applications, or cloud systems. Get started Initiate your. Locate the section of the configuration file that looks like the following: <!--. On macOS, launch a terminal and run the SiteScopeClient. After you upgrade to SiteScope 2022. Using the Configuration Tool, you can export SiteScope data such as templates, logs, monitor configuration files, server certificates, scripts, and so forth from your current SiteScope for later import into SiteScope. Videos . 22. Using this monitor you. Two or more SiteScope installations can be accessed from a single workstation using HTTP or HTTPS. Check out this blog to learn more about new features, enhancements and improvements. Search . The. Videos . Micro Focus is announcing the release of Product: SiteScope and SAM Sitescope Version: 2022. Please refer to HP SiteScope documentation for further reference. Enable SiteScope to Prefer IP Version 6 Addresses. For more details on CDA, refer to the CDA documentation. 2009;00:49:01;ATDEV1;. 14 or higher version. 41. upgraded from SiteScope 11. Updated on May 18, 2019 | 3 minutes to read. 11 introduces the following new features. Check back to see new enhancement,. Select version. Verify that the SiteScope Administrator account has a defined username and password. Directory path Directory that you want to monitor. Perform the following steps to install SiteScope 2022. Videos . In many cases, systems need to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the Product Customization screen, select SiteScope Failover. exe. Online shopping is a current phenomenon which has developed a great importance in the modern business environment. For details, see SiteScope documentation. SiteScope . 2022. Add a User Directory. The SiteScope Local Client enables you to launch the User Interface (UI) of a target SiteScope Server as a desktop application without using a browser. The availability of mission critical information systems should be checked regularly during the periods that there are to be accessible. Get started . If the value exists but does not show up in Event Type Indicator in the General tab, there was a problem when applying the indicator. Bit. To test the SiteScope Failover configuration from the primary SiteScope machine: In the SiteScope user interface, select Preferences > Failover Preferences. 32 Monitor Reference Guide. Hi! Does anyone know answer to the following questions?: 1. BAC/BSM, Sitescope, Vugen, Loadrunner, Business Service Management, HP, The user changes the information,clicks on OK, but when going back to the you addMicro Focus (now OpenText) Community. SiteScope template deployment is slow. Perform the following steps to install SiteScope 2020. For Linux: Log in to the server as user root. Version: 2022. 11 in a silent mode: On Windows. In a standard monitoring environment, the table below displays the ports that SiteScope commonly employs for monitoring and alerting purposes. It also includes steps for publishing changes across the entire enterprise to all SiteScope objects deployed by templates, without the need for extensive manual updates. The name of the monitor that caused the alert. Service Monitor. View information about integration of other standalone products with SiteScope. log; SiteScopelogsac_integration. Search . In LoadRunner Enterprise, click Open the navigation toolbar and select Topologies (under Assets ). Enter the SiteScope URL in the SiteScope local client address box and click Load. Select version. Run the following command: ovcert –updatetrusted. Run the SiteScope Configuration Tool. Check connectivity with the SiteScope server from OBM server. 14 or higher version. AccuRev; Agile Manager; ALM / Quality Center; ALM OctaneSelect the Add Measurements button on the graph, or select Add Measurements from the graph hamburger menu. SiteScope 2020. 1 Connector on port 8443 --> <!--. Navigate to the ovinstallparams. Monitor Types SiteScope provides more than 100 out-of-the-box monitors covering aspects such as utilization, response time, usage, and resource availability. SiteScope health monitoring enhancements. Premium Support. to search for technical information in the Software. To connect to a SiteScope server that requires TLS, OBM must trust the root certificate that was used to sign the SiteScope certificate. CDA is a policy-based platform that provides infrastructure provisioning in hybrid cloud environments. The topics in this section list all the SiteScope integrations and how to configure them. Administer . Method 1: SiteScope. We encourage you to try out our new. All Products ; SiteScope ; Use ; Monitors ; SiteScope Monitors (A-Z) VERSION . 05. Two or more SiteScope installations can be accessed from a single workstation using HTTP or HTTPS. Videos . Support for a second SiteScope High Availability (HA) server. Documentation. You can visualize the SiteScope metrics data using PD graphing in OBM. However, you must specify the machine you want to monitor and which. Click the Tools button in the SiteScope Dashboard toolbar to run the tool with the monitor's existing data as its input. Check connectivity with the SiteScope server from OBM server. The SiteScope login screen opens. Types of SiteScope monitors you want to use. In this section: Integrations Overview. . Upgrade. 11. It enables users to define and use SiteScope monitors on a LoadRunner or Performance Center application. On Windows, SiteScope gets scripts from the home directory on the remote machine (this depends on the SSH server configuration). Apache Server Monitor. renderConfluenceMacro('{bmc-global-announcement:$space. For details, see. SiteScope . SiteScope. This is important, because only SNMP v2 and v3 is supported on 6. sysstat package on the SiteScope server and on all the monitored remote servers (it's not included out-of-the-box). Problem: SiteScope Real Time is not working . With this capability, you can search HP SiteScope servers to view individual monitors and group statistics, perform actions on search results to mitigate issues, respond to Get started. By default, when creating a Docker monitor there are out-of-the box Thresholds Settings for the default /. SiteScope root. For details, see step 5. Problem: SiteScope Real Time is not working Solution: To resolve this problem, follow these steps: Check if configured SiteScope version is 11. For details on the minimum SAP permission required by SiteScope, see the sections on “AAAB - Cross-application Authorization Objects” and “BC_A - Basis: Administration” in SAP RFC User privileges in the SAP documentation. The resource monitors are automatically enabled when you execute a test run. 11. 1748150. */memory%/ and /. This use-case scenario describes how the SiteScope administrator can automate the process of configuring and deploying a monitor. SiteScope Real Time is not working. It might have changed in the many versions since, but when I try the walk you see above on the same cluster with. ini file. It’s now also possible to set the AES encryption key length during the installation. For example, use SiteScope installed on a Japanese Windows operating system for a Japanese locale. Alternatively, if you manually created a back up, you must delete all the folders and files from the new. Run the SiteScope installation executable or installation script, directing the script to install the application into the location you have prepared. Release notes. SiteScope is an agentless monitoring solution that enables you to remotely monitor the availability and performance of your IT infrastructure (for example, servers, operating systems, network devices, network services, applications, and application components). SiteScope health monitoring enhancements. SiteScope Alerts Overview. We import Measurements via SiteScope Logfile Integration to BAC : Logfile looks like this : 30. To achieve this, you must deploy the SiteScope Metrics Streaming. bat -host myhost -port. Only executable script files are displayed. Click the New Topology button and enter a name for the topology. This is the container for your monitoring solution, in which you create groups, monitors, remote server, variables, and alerts for the monitoring solution. Search . Creation Date: 28-Mar-2016. Integrate . Indicator state and severity values are not displayed in SiteScope reports. CDA integrates with SiteScope to deploy SiteScope monitors and receive events from them. The SiteScope login screen opens. Videos . zip file. Document ID:KM02209042. All Products ; SiteScope ; Use ; Alerts ; Configure SiteScope Alerts ; SiteScope Alerts User Interface ; VERSION . Problem: SiteScope Real Time is not working. Languages: English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish. --SujithITOM PRACTITIONER PORTAL . Videos . ini file. key}') Recently ViewedSiteScope. To check this, please, copy putty to SiteScope machine and try to connect to Unix you want to monitor. SiteScope includes other alert types that can integrate with other systems. For details on supported platforms and system requirements, see the latest Operations Bridge support. If the SiteScope window opens correctly, and the problem persists when you open the SiteScope window from within the topology, verify that SiteScope is configured correctly for the topology integration as follows: Verify that the. The Common Access Card (often called CAC card), is a smart card that it is used. Click OK to save your settings and close the SiteScope Properties dialog box. Server sizing is determined by a number of factors including: The number of monitor instances to be run on the SiteScope installation. Version: 2023. If prompted, select a root install directory where the Cygwin package should be installed. Locate the section of the configuration file that looks like the following: <!--. Connectez-vous au Portail du Support technique pour gérer vos dossiers en cours, obtenir des licences, télécharger des produits et des correctifs, et bien plus encore. The ID code of the monitor. Note: The SiteScope 64-bit version consumes up to 3 times more memory than the SiteScope 32-bit version. SiteScope REST API monitor enables monitoring the performance of software that provide their counters in the form of JSON or XML through HTTP/HTTPS interfaces using REST API calls. Add a template to the template container. Get started Begin your understanding. Open SiteScope directly (that is, not through the topology integration) using the following URL: server>:8080/SiteScope. Install . Documentation. Videos . 10. Product: Sitescope and SAM. The release overview can be found in the SiteScope Release notes, from where you navigate through the SiteScope documentation as desired. Select SiteScope in the list of services and right-click to display the action menu. This is the recommended method. 211 and 12. Cases. 80, no FIPS. For example: C:SiteScope oolsAutoDeploymentencrypt_password. In the Monitored Server Machines section of the <Monitor> dialog box, click Add. 23, we have upgraded numerous open-source components (such as OpenSSL, Tomcat, OpenJDK, and many other) to newer versions. For the latest documentation, always see Page 7 Total Number of Monitors 24,000 Total Number of Remote Servers 2,500 Monitor Runs per Minute 3,500 Note: Monitor capacity and velocity can be significantly impacted by numerous factors including, but not limited to theRun the downloaded setup program and choose the Install from Internet option when prompted to Choose A Download Source. 2018. Documentation. Configure SiteScope to Monitor Remote Unix Servers. Select Template Dialog Box. Configure an administrators email address and specify a mail server that SiteScope can use to forward email messages and alerts to users. In addition, you can configure any of the other SiteScope preferences as required. SiteScope 11. Only a SiteScope administrator user, or a user with View/Edit certificates list permissions, can view, add, or make changes to the certificates keystore on the Certificate Management page. This TrustStore is responsible for SiteScope certificate management. Languages: English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified. Documentation. SiteScope must be connected to APM 9. Updated on Oct 27, 2023 | 3 minutes to read. Port 8080. Parent: SiteScope. ini file: enableHTTPS=N. The URL Content monitor is primarily used to monitor Web pages that are generated dynamically and display statistics about custom applications. 4. How often SiteScope attempts to run the action defined for the monitor instance. 10 Situation Problem with the "sisconfig" component on Sitescope server, despite attempts to start and stop, it does not restart.